Instruction and Programs

At Monta Loma we have high academic expectations for all students. We expect students to strive to excel in all areas of their education. Monta Loma staff and parents work together to provide instruction, support, and enrichment to give all students the opportunity to reach their academic potential.

Language Arts and Literacy Instruction: We offer a multi-disciplinary approach to teaching literacy. Lessons include direct whole group and differentiated small group instruction in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Students are taught strategies for reading, comprehending, analyzing, and writing academic text. Benchmark Advance is our main language arts curriculum. Literacy instruction is supplemented with Write Tools, Leveled Literacy Intervention and Next Lesson, among other resources.

Language Development: At Monta Loma, we believe that students developmentally learn the English language regardless of the first language spoken at home. We define language as: expressive and receptive communication, using words in a structured way in both spoken and written form. While each student acquires language at their own rate, there is a common progression of language skills that allows us to assess students’ current language level and provide specific, targeted instruction that progresses all students academically in the area of literacy and language development.

* We believe that language and literacy is the key to student success in the world ahead.

* We believe that multi-lingualism is an asset to students and should be encouraged and celebrated.

*  We believe in including our parents and the greater community in supporting, learning, and celebrating multi-lingualism with our student, staff, and parent population.

English language instruction is provided in both designated and integrated lessons at Monta Loma. During designated English Language Development (ELD) time, students are placed in an ELD group based on assessment results. These groups receive a minimum of 150 minutes per week of specific language instruction in the mechanics of English. Additionally, language development is integrated throughout the school day with vocabulary development and language function strategies specific to each discipline.

Newcomer Support

For students who are new to speaking English, we offer specific supports to help students integrate into English speaking classrooms. Supports may include: Rosetta Stone, Imagine Learning, Lexia, other online supports, leveled reading books, English high frequency word lists, and spelling and phonics work. Your child’s teacher can work with you to develop a literacy plan that addresses students new to the English language.

Mathematics: Eureka Math is our main mathematics curriculum. It is aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Math instruction provided in both whole group and differentiated small group settings. Individual differentiation is offered through Accelerated Math, ST Math, and other online resources.

Science and Social Studies: Our science program includes FOSS hands on science kits, the Science Is Elementary program in each classroom once a month. Houghton Mifflin is our adopted social studies curriculum. Teachers enhance science and social studies curriculum with field trips, assemblies, Science is Elementary, and Living Classroom. Additionally, science and social studies content is integrated into our language arts curriculum.

Music, Art, PE, and Technology: Students receive art, music, physical education, and technology instruction on a weekly basis. Art and music instruction is provided by CSMA and PE instruction is provided once a week for kindergarten and twice a week for grades 1-5 by Rhythm and Moves. A Playworks coach generously supports our students with classroom game time and recess activities to teach specific outdoor games and respectful sportsmanship.

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